We invite scholars to present short interventions to honor and celebrate the work and life of Mona Abaza. The interventions and tributes will culminate into a session of Egyclass network’s annual conference in honor of Mona on Sunday December 5, 2021. The conference session will also be followed by an open call for paper submissions to the special issue for CEDEJ’s ESMA Journal.
Mona passed away in July 2021. She was a colleague, mentor, and friend to many. She was a prolific scholar who saw sociology in her immediate world and used this sensibility to do research. Mona wrote on consumption, production, class, visual art, urban and rural Egypt, knowledge production, and lately espoused a personal sociology of experience. She probed other geographies, multiple histories and melded private experiences with public concerns.
Mona’s lifelong commitment to research and publication enables scholars to critically probe/acknowledge the idea of “tribute”. This session hopes to ask questions on the possibility of voice, on levels of public engagement, on scholarship now and on the ways Mona’s work sheds light on an era of knowledge production in sociology.
While personal tributes are welcome, the session hopes to honor Mona by framing her choices and work as a platform from which social science in Egypt is considered and framed in current concerns and interests.
Please send your abstract proposal BEFORE NOVEMBER 15TH to:
Hania Sholkamy (hanias@aucegypt.edu) and Nada El Kouny (nadaelkouny@gmail.com)
EGYCLASS is an International Research Network that aims at providing a comprehensive analysis of social classes in Egypt. Building on an interdisciplinary approach in sociology, anthropology, political science, history and economics, the network gathers around 50 researchers.