Both the on-going fragmentation in Syria and the progressing territorial disintegration of Ukraine demonstrate currently the radical character of changes in the European neighbourhood. Numerous states are dramatically challenged in their function as administrative, political and territorial entities. They are subject to violent transformations and their viability is being increasingly questioned. Which role do states play in transformation periods and in revolutionary situations? Are they still the key analytical category for analyzing the political change?
Both the on-going fragmentation in Syria and the progressing territorial disintegration of Ukraine demonstrate currently the radical character of changes in the European neighbourhood. Numerous states are dramatically challenged in their function as administrative, political and territorial entities. They are subject to violent transformations and their viability is being increasingly questioned. Which role do states play in transformation periods and in revolutionary situations? Are they still the key analytical category for analyzing the political change?
The scholarship programme “Trajectories of Change” addresses historical and current transformation processes in the European neighbourhood. It offers stipends and fieldwork grants for Ph.D. students in the humanities and social sciences, and supports both empirical research and projects centred on theoretical reflection. For 2015, applications dealing with the role of the state in transformation processes are especially welcome. Innovative research questions and comparative approaches are highly encouraged.
The programme offers flexible funding schemes for Ph.D. students at various stages of their dissertation research as well as for graduate students in the phase of Ph.D. project development:
- Ph.D. Scholarships
- Dissertation Completion Scholarships
- Pre-Doctoral Research Grants
- Fieldwork Grant
monthly living expenses: 1.200,- Euro
Submission of applications
Please apply online.
Please prepare
- a research proposal (max. 7 pages for doctoral students and 3-5 pages for pre-doctoral candidates, references excluded)
- a research plan with time schedule (max. 2 pages)
- a CV
- a copy of your university degree
- as well as a photo.
You can upload all documents at the end of the online application form.
We only accept fully completed applications.
The deadline for applications is 26 February 2015.
Until that date you may access and edit your saved application with your password. From February 27, 2015, access to the pages will be barred. The ZEIT-Stiftung Ebelin und Gerd Bucerius reserves the right to request further documentation (notarized copies of your degree certificates in particular) for the second round of the applications.
Advisory board members
- Dr. Holger Albrecht, The American University in Cairo, Egypt;
- Dr. Muriel Asseburg, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, Berlin, Germany;
- Prof. Peter Burnell, University of Warwick, United Kingdom;
- Prof. Aurel Croissant, Universität Heidelberg, Germany;
- Dr. Sonja Hegasy, Zentrum Moderner Orient, Berlin, Germany;
- Ivan Krastev, Centre for Liberal Strategies, Sofia, Bulgaria;
- Prof. Marie Mendras, Sciences Po / Centre d’études et de recherches internationales, Paris, France;
- Mykola Riabchuk, Institute of Political and Nationalities’ Studies, Kyiv, Ukraine;
- Prof. Frithjof Benjamin Schenk, Universität Basel, Switzerland;
- Prof. Oliver Schlumberger, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, Germany