Notre mission est de soutenir, fédérer et visibiliser les études sur le Moyen-Orient et les mondes musulmans en France. Nous créons un espace d'échanges, de concertations et d'initiatives au sein de la communauté académique.
Notre mission est de soutenir, fédérer et visibiliser les études sur le Moyen-Orient et les mondes musulmans en France. Nous créons un espace d'échanges, de concertations et d'initiatives au sein de la communauté académique.


Academic journals demonstrate the vitality of academic communities:

  • Through their calls for papers, they foster the emergence of questions that researchers are facing and, for this reason, they represent one of the key places for developing a reflection on what may later become academic policy in a given field, while at the same time being an essential link for these policies.
  • Through the articles and reviews that they publish, journals provide a showcase for current research, the means by which its results become known and are disseminated throughout the academic community. Thus, they also offer an opportunity for debate and controversy. Regulated by editorial committees and their recourse to new common practices (anonymity for reviewers, constructive evaluations, etc.), they ensure that these debates are structured and offer opportunities for real advances in scientific research.
  • Through the importance role that it plays in regulating the careers of researchers and lecturers/researchers, publication in academic journals remains essential in the practice of this profession and an obligatory step for the valorization of research.

GIS Moyen-Orient et les mondes musulmans (GIS MOMM) sees its role as providing an outlet for the expression of these academic communities and an instrument serving to break down the barriers separating them. While it seeks to encourage the publication of articles in this field of research in the major journals in each discipline, GIS MOMM also plays an important role in encouraging inter-awareness of journals, better coordination of their publications and, without doubt, a better coordination of their interests and calls for papers.

Several issues are shared by academic journals: the move towards use of digital technologies and the disruption of economic models and of archiving methodologies that this implies; transfer and diffusion of their publications in English-language journals, in order to enhance the visibility of French research; the role that French journals can play in the visibility and diffusion of research carried out in their regions of speciality.

For this reason, GIS MOMM invites researchers and other interested parties to contribute to the preparation of a Forum of Journals which will be held on 27 May 2016, during which the GIS-IISMM Prize will be awarded.