Notre mission est de soutenir, fédérer et visibiliser les études sur le Moyen-Orient et les mondes musulmans en France. Nous créons un espace d'échanges, de concertations et d'initiatives au sein de la communauté académique.
Notre mission est de soutenir, fédérer et visibiliser les études sur le Moyen-Orient et les mondes musulmans en France. Nous créons un espace d'échanges, de concertations et d'initiatives au sein de la communauté académique.

GIS Congress

Objective :

To strengthen the debate and interactions among professors, researchers and students and to enhance visibility for our studies.

More information (in french) :
First Congress
Second Congress
Third Congress

The Congress gave an overview of French research and was attended by more than 300 participants including representatives of associations: Diwan, Halqa, Samah, and SEMOMM.

The GIS MOMM Congress:

  • aimed to encourage young researchers, PhD students and post-doctoral researchers
  • gave visibility to associations of scholars and students
  • brought together researchers from various horizons in order to overcome the inevitable fragmentation of research teams
  • aimed to reduce the subdivisions inherited from the colonial and post-colonial periods and between ‘Muslim West’ and ‘Muslim East’
  • allowed the sharing of research fields by specialists in different social and human sciences
  • was intended to respond to challenges raised by current upheavals in the Maghreb and the Middle East, developed the history of Islam, and studied civil society mobilizations


Half-day and fully-day sessions presented research in progress, thus encouraging debates among researchers.

At this Congress, we sought to mobilize the French and Francophone academic community through exchanges between specialists in different historical periods (medieval and contemporary history), disciplines (e.g. historians and political scientists) and geographical areas and countries (Turkey, Iran, Arab world, Indonesia, etc.).

Transversal Meetings

Transversal meetings were attended by all congress participants and interested members of the public:

  • An inaugural presentation
  • A session with publishers and a book fair on Middle East and Muslim Studies
  • Thesis prize
  • Concert