Trade Union(s)/Syndicate(s): Palestinian and French Perspectives / النقابیة : المنظوران الفلسطیني والفرنسي

Trade Union(s)/Syndicate(s): Palestinian and French Perspectives

In a general context of deregulation of sectors of activity, weakening or restriction of traditional institutions for the defense of workers, what are the contemporary issues of Unions in France and Palestine?

The challenge of this study day lies in the apparent difficulty of comparing two seemingly distant realities. However, in a context of occupation that structures and annihilates the development of trade unions -on the one hand- and the transformation of traditional forms of employment and worker representation -on the other-, common issues and dynamics can emerge. Through the dialogue of contemporary works, we will be able to question the rigidity of the institutional frameworks, the strategies of circumvention and adaptation of the unions to the legislative and economic obstacles, the dynamics of renewal of the forms of organization and representation of work by studying in a qualitative perspective, the internal and external collective initiatives to the traditional trade union institutions.

Saturday 4 June, 10.30 – 15.15.

Muwatin Center, Bir Zeit University.

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