Journey to the Iraqi music with Youssef Abbas
26 May 2022 at IFAO
Yousef Abbas with his ensemble will accompany us to a journey in the Iraqi music, from the traditional heritage to his original composition, based mainly on his new interpretation of the Iraqi Maqam, a genre of Arabic maqam music found in Iraq since the Abbasid time. The munšid (religious singer) Nasir Sharaf will sing texts derived from classical Arabic, such as al-Ḥallaǧ, al-Mutanabbī and Ibn ‘Arabī. The ensemble instruments: riq, contrabass, oud, piano, khana.
About the artist:
Born in Babilon in 1994, Yousef Abbas was an enfant prodige who graduated in Bayt al- ‘Ūd al-‘Arabī (Arabic Oud House) in Cairo in a very young age under the supervision of the maestro Naseer Shamma. During his career, he led the Arabic Oud Orchestra and received several prizes, among them the Carthage Music prize and the Munir Bashir Medal as the best and youngest musician and professor of music in the Arab world. Beside his own ensemble, he composed several music pieces for oud orchestras and soundtracks for movies and TV series. Today, is among the most prominent oud musicians and composers in the Middle East and represents Iraq in festivals and forums.
Music Program:
1 – فوگ النخل
2 – ميرابط ما ريده
3 – مقدمة مقام البيات مع فراقهم بچاني
4 – عشگ اخضر
5 – انا ممنون لابو نونه
6 – جي مالي والي
7 – ترحال
8 – وصلة من شعر الحلاج
9 – وصلة من شعر العراقي
10 – رحيل
Sounds – and music – are able to shape individual and collective identities, define spaces and borders, denote cultures, transmit knowledge and influence style lives.
ASWAT is a series of music meetings and music performances focusing on Egyptian culture(s) of music that seeks to explore a range of musical practices across Egypt, and beyond, through the contribution of academic speakers and music makers, followed by a concert. The meetings will offer the opportunity to deepen some historical, religious, social and musicological aspects that interwoven in, and from, the Egyptian music heritage, addressing creation, performance and reception practice.
Aswat is a joint initiative from CEDEJ, IFAO and IFE.
Les sons – et la musique – sont capables de façonner les identités individuelles et collectives, de définir les espaces et les frontières, de dénoter les cultures, de transmettre les connaissances et d’influencer les styles de vies.
ASWAT est une série de rencontres et de spectacles musicaux axés sur la ou les cultures musicales égyptiennes qui vise à explorer un éventail de pratiques musicales à travers l’Égypte, et au-delà, grâce à la contribution de conférenciers universitaires et de musiciens, suivie d’un concert. Les rencontres seront l’occasion d’approfondir certains aspects historiques, religieux, sociaux et musicologiques qui s’entremêlent dans et à partir du patrimoine musical égyptien, en abordant les pratiques de création, d’interprétation et de réception.
ASWAT est une initiative conjointe du CEDEJ, l’Ifao et l’IFE.