” Statizing Informality, Unbundling Rights: Neoliberalism and Water Infrastructure in Cairo’s ashwa’eyat ”
Webinar in English
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PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow – CEDEJ, Lecturer of Sociology – AUC/CEDEJ
Discussant: Barbara Casciarri
Pr. of anthropology, Univ. Paris 8 – CEDEJ/Khartoum
Deena Khalil is a development planner and urban sociologist who is currently a post-doctoral fellow at the Centre D’études et de Documentation économiques, Juridiques et Sociales (CEDEJ), and a lecturer in the Sociology-Anthropology Department at the American University in Cairo (AUC). She holds a Ph.D. in Development Planning from University College London (UCL) and a M.A. in Economics of International Development from AUC. Prior to this, Deena was the Research and Advocacy Unit Manager at Takween Integrated Community Development, an urban development consultancy focusing on underserved communities and urban issues in Egypt.