Atelier Recherche du CEDEJ
CEDEJ Research workshop
” From ahwas to coffee-shops. Towards a geography of daily practices in Cairo ”
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23rd of March 2021 at 6 pm
Zoom webinar
In Cairo, it feels like you can find a coffee-house at every corner and spending time in one of them seems to be a habit shared by many of its inhabitants. Nonetheless, coffee-houses
are very diverse and going to an ahwa, a coffee-shop or a café in a club does not have the same meaning for everyone. Coffee-houses are privileged observatories of ordinary
practices and they give access to micro-social and economic dynamics. These hybrid spaces between the home, the workplace and the public space are oscillating between freedom and
social control. Through their coffee-houses, we can draw a social geography of the Egyptian capital central neighborhoods (Wast el-Balad, Munira, Garden City, Darb el-Ahmar, Khalifa,
Zamalek, Doqqi).
Florian Bonnefoi is first year PhD student in Sociology at Migrinter (University of Poitiers) and at the CEDEJ, with a research grant from the CNRS. His PhD work deals with climate
change and adaptation in the Nile Delta. He graduated from a Master of Social Sciences at the ENS de Lyon in 2020 and wrote a master thesis in geography on Cairo’s coffee-houses.