This project aims at shedding light and celebrating numerous works of scholars who visited Erbil during the last two decades These studies resulted in very important and multi dimensional conclusions regarding Erbil and its surroundings history, archaeology, arts and architecture. Based on the accumulated knowledge, existing projects of preservation, revitalization, and rehabilitation of cultural heritage may be reoriented or reviewed.
UKH and Ifpo have a shared vision and a sense of strong responsibility towards highlighting learned lessons from past generations experiences Such experiences that are documented in the works of the prospected participants. It is expected from these seminars to raise awareness amongst the younger generation regarding the state of the existing and past conditions as the premises and starting points for any future development.
Attending these seminars will be, audience at large, students and young scholars of UKH in general and staff and students of the School of Science and Engineering with emphasis on the attending audience from the Architectural Engineering and Sustainability The audience will experience Erbil culture, history, pattern of living and inherited business ethics and morals of the city that is offering them education, academic certificate, and a chance for a successful life in the future.
Organizing Committee :
Soorkeu A Atrooshi, PhD, MSc, BSc, Dean of School of Science and Engineering, SSE UKH
Mahmood Khayat, PhD, Assistant professor, Civil and Architectural Engineering Department, University of Kurdistan Hawler
Narmin Ali Muhamad Ameen, PhD, Archaeologist, Assistant Professor, Salahaddin University
Barbara Couturaud,PhD, Archaeologist, Head of the Ifpo office in Erbil, Institut français du Proche-Orient
Join the meeting
Meeting ID: 995 6136 4040
Passcode: 8ST6Ev
Thursday, November 26th 2020, 2 :00 – 4 :00 pm (Erbil)
Introdution (Mahmood KHAYAT, Heja SINDI, Soorkeu ATROOSHI, Barbara COUTURAUD)
Neglected heritage. Traditional and vernacular architecture of Erbil city are not the core of interest of majority of intellectuals living in Erbil city (Mahmood KHAYAT)
Thursday, December 10th 2020, 2 :00 – 4 :00 pm (Erbil)
The typology of forms in the traditional vernacular architecture in Erbil city. A cultural and architectural study (Binyad MARUF KHAZNADAR, University of Salahaddin-Erbil)
Erbil region. The historical and archaeological reality in the Sasanian and Islamic period in the light of archaeological work (Narmen ALI MUHAMADAMEEN, University of Salahaddin-Erbil)
Thursday, January 14th 2021, 2 :00 – 4 :00 pm (Erbil)
The archaeological exploration of the citadel of Erbil (John MACGINNIS, British Museum, Dara TALAAT AL YAQUBI, Senior Consultant Architect and heritage Conservation Expert and Sangar MOHAMMED ABDULLAH)
Archaeological survey in the city of Arbil (Arnulf HAUSLEITER, German Archaeological Institute, Karwan A. M. AMIN, Erbil Directorate of Antiquities, Pshtiwan A. IBRAHIM, Erbil Directorate of Antiquities)
Thursday, January 28, 2021, 2 :00 – 4 :00 pm (Erbil)
Erbil and its region in Late Bronze and Iron Age. A view from its western border (Maria Grazia MASETTI ROUAULT, École pratique des Hautes Études)
Erbil Citadel, between archaeological excavations and historical sources (Abdullah KHURSHEED QADER, University of Salahaddin-Erbil)
Thursday, February 11th 2021, 2 :00 – 4 :00 pm (Erbil)
Erbil in the Assyrian period and the stela of Ishtar from Arbela in the Louvre Museum (Ariane THOMAS, Musée du Louvre)
Conservation of earthen architecture in archaeological contexts (Chamsia SADOZAÏ, CRAterre-École nationale supérieure d’architecture de Grenoble)
Thursday, February 25, 2021, 2 :00 – 4 :00 pm (Erbil)
The role of heritage buildings in constructing the continuity of architectural identity in Erbil city (Salahaddin YASIN BAPER, University of Salahaddin-Erbil)
The architectural heritage in Erbil. Current status, challenges, and solutions (Dara TALAAT AL YAQUBI, Senior Consultant Architect and heritage Conservation Expert)
Thursday, March 11th 2021, 2 :00 – 4 :00 pm (Erbil)
Building with earth in the ancient Near East (Martin SAUVAGE, French National Centre for Scientific Research)
Between political and geographical constraints. The question of communication roads in the Assyrian triangle (Lionel MARTI, French National Centre for Scientific Research)
Thursday, April 1st 2021, 2 :00 – 4 :00 pm (Erbil)
Kareez (aqueducts) irrigation system in the Erbil Governorate (Nader BABAKER MOHAMMED, Erbil Directorate of Antiquities)
Health and cultural heritage. Tracing the perceptions of the role of architectural heritage in health and well-being : Erbil (Hawar HIMDAD SECTANY, University of Salahaddin-Erbil)
Thursday, April 15, 2021, 2 :00 – 4 :00 pm (Erbil)
Mudbrick architecture. Erbil old souk (Soizik BECHETOILLE, French Ministry of Culture)
The public square of Erbil’s historic centre: past, present and future (Farah AL HASHIMI, Independent Researcher)
Thursday, April 29th 2021, 2 :00 – 4 :00 pm (Erbil)
The history of settlement on the Erbil plain (Jason UR, Harvard University, Nader BABAKER MOHAMMED, Erbil Directorate of Antiquities, Khalil BARZINJI, Erbil Directorate of Antiquities, Mohammed LASHKRI, General Directorate of Antiquities)