Recycling and the new environmental panorama
The 23rd of November at 6 pm (GMT+2) via Zoom
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We will address these topics from a variety of perspectives: academic research, the state and donor agencies, NGO’s…
– Aly Abou Sena: Assistant Minister for International Projects – Ministry of Environment, Egypt.
Dr. Ali Abo Sena has more than 20 years of outstanding experience in working for private sector and managing projects in the field of energy efficiency and renewable energy application, environmental management and assessment , eco-industrial parks, resource efficiency and cleaner production, green entrepreneurship, eco-innovation and cleaner technology transfer.
He has been leading the process of design, formulation and implementation of several programmes/projects mainly on resource efficiency and cleaner production with different donors and international development agencies such as UNIDO, IFC, World Bank, African Development Bank (AfDB), European Commission, African Union (AU), GEF, USAID, CIDA, UNEP and GIZ
Mr Abo Sena has been working as director of UNIDO- Egypt National Cleaner Production Centre (ENCPC) at the Ministry of Trade and Industry until December 2018 and secretary for the UNIDO/UNEP Global Network for Resource Efficiency and Cleaner Production (RECPnet).
He is currently leading a newly established Bio-energy association at the ministry of environment which was set up by the ministry of environment through a prime-ministerial decree as an independent agency for promoting biomass technologies in Egypt.
– Ahmed El Dorghamy: Environment and Energy Consultant – CEDARE, Egypt
Dr. Ahmed El-Dorghamy is an Energy and Environment Expert in the Center for Environment & Development in the Arab Region & Europe (CEDARE), with over 15 years of international professional experience in his field. He obtained his PhD from Humboldt University in Berlin in the topic of sustainability and sustainable mobility in disadvantaged communities. He previously completed MSc in Energy Technology, and his second MSc in Environmental Engineering and Sustainable Infrastructure, both from the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Stockholm, Sweden. In recent activity he has been focusing on sustainable mobility and on sustainable management of resources including waste minimization. He is currently part of the team of experts developing the national strategies for single-use plastics reduction.
– Jamie Furniss: Researcher, Research Institute on the Contemporary Maghreb, Tunis.
Jamie Furniss is a researcher at the Institut de recherche sur le Maghreb contemporain in Tunis, where he leads a project on “Environment, waste and recycling economies in the contemporary Maghreb”. He is also a lecturer (on leave) in Social Anthropology at the University of Edinburgh, where he was director of the international development masters programme. He was previously a CNRS/Lyon 2 post-doctoral fellow at the Groupe de Recherche et d’Études sur la Méditerranée et le Moyen-Orient in Lyon. He has a DPhil from the University of Oxford in International Development and has conducted fieldwork principally in Egypt and Tunisia.
– Nanette Deunk, Sustainable development consultant, Netherlands.
Nanette Deunk is an Industrial Engineer from The Netherlands. She specialises in waste prevention, logistics, project management and sustainable development. Nanette lived in eleven countries and worked for the United Nations, NGO’s and the private sector. In Egypt she established a local group called Zero Waste Maadi. The group aims to reduce pollution on a community and individual level. Nanette currently lives in The Netherlands and assists Cedare and FES with regulations and strategies for single use plastic bags.