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Notre mission est de soutenir, fédérer et visibiliser les études sur le Moyen-Orient et les mondes musulmans en France. Nous créons un espace d'échanges, de concertations et d'initiatives au sein de la communauté académique.

Publication de la revue Égypte/Monde arabe n°13


Since the 2011 uprising in Egypt, gender issues have emerged in various forms within revolutionary or reactionary protest movements and more broadly, in the framework of the social transformations occurring in and around these waves of mobilization.

As relationships between citizens and State authorities have been challenged, altered then pushed back in a reactionary direction, how have gender relationships been contested since 2011? What new imaginations of gender, which new roles and identities have been claimed? What mobilizations have developed to confront the shocking rise of gender-based violence in the politicized public sphere?

Four years after the revolutionary period began, this issue of Égypte/Monde arabe explores new struggles related to gender in Egypt through the lenses of sociology, anthropology and political science. Scholars, experts and/or activists share with us a range of scientific and analytical perspectives, and insider accounts of these struggles and changes, of experience gained and ground lost, based on in-depth fieldwork on sensitive and sometimes transient research objects.


Introduction – Leslie Piquemal

How can the domestication of women facilitate understanding of their plight in Egypt ? – Dalia AbdElhameed

El-Sissi’s Women ? Shifting gender discourses and the limits of state feminism – Hind Ahmed Zaki

Civic participation and gender institutional legacy since January 25, 2011 – Marta Agosti

Ethnographie de la self-défense féminine dans le Caire révolutionnaire. Modalités de mise en récits de la violence des femmes – Perrine Lachenal

Reconsidering de-politicization : HarassMap’s bystander approach and creating critical mass to combat sexual harassment in Egypt – Angie Abdelmonem

Male voices in a Cairo social movement – Sandra A. Fernandez

Perceptions and management of gender roles and dynamics inside OpAntiSH Intervention Teams in Cairo – Leslie Piquemal